Monday, January 5, 2009

Chapter 2: Kids..that's whay they are called KIDS

This is one story that I wanna's kindda funny and it makes me think back that how innocent we are when we were a kid. Well this is a story of my nephew. He is 8 years old this year and last year he was year 1 in a local primary school. One day as usual, his father(my uncle) checked his bag to see his homework. His father was shocked when he saw a test be spesific an unfinished semester test paper. Then his father asked him "Why is there an unfinished test paper in your bag? and it is your semester test paper..did you steal it from your teacher's desk?"..Then my nephew answered " No daddy, I didn't took it from my teacher's desk, there's a test this morning and I couldn't finished it after the time is up, so I brought it back as my homework"...And then my uncle asked " Why didn't you hand in your test paper to your teacher?". My cute cousin replied, "My teacher always told us if we did not finieshed our exercises in class we can bring it home as homework".. "Did your teacher tell you to bring home your test paper?" asked my uncle, "nope, I brought it back because my test is not finished" said my cute nephew. My uncle told us this story himself to me. It was funny and it make me think that how innocent we were when we were a kid..Kids..that's why they are called kids!!

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