Oh Dear, I can't recall when is the last time I ate those delicious burger. Yes I am craving for it...like soo sooooooooooooo Baadddddddddddddd!!!!!!!!!
Who can resist Big Mac? It's soft and tender roasted bun with sesame seed sprinkles, the taste of fresh lettuce,combined with succulent beeh..so soft and tender...and not to mention the incredibly creamy flavor of the special made mayonise and cheese..emmmm~~~ it taste so damn good, So Good till I can kick the crap out of any human being who stop me from getting one of this burger
adoh.. aku dah ngidam sesangat dah ni~~ The nearest McD from here is like 3.5 hours...damn....Dalam mimpi je la aku makan..adehh~~
babi betul! make me salivate only!!!! T_T
hahaha...kan kan?
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